Anjaam Pathiraa 2020 Malayalam Full movie watch online

Anjaam Pathiraa 2020 Malayalam Full movie watch online

Story: A serial killer is on the loose, murdering policemen. Psychologist Anwar Hussain helps cops investigate the case and find who the culprit is

Anjaam Pathiraa 2020 Malayalam Full movie watch online

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Review: It’s said that evil can manifest in anyone, if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anjaam Pathira by Midhun Manuel Thomas shows how a wave of violence gets kicked-off, with certain unfortunate turn of events that happened in someone’s life. And how such scenarios might sometimes create unforgiving killers.
Psychologist Anwar Hussain (Kunchacko Boban) gets introduced to the murder case of a policeman by his friend and cop Anil (Jinu Joseph). As he tries to connect the circumstantial clues, the situation gets complicated further with more deaths, puzzling both Anwar and the police department. How they nab the culprit and the backstories of the events form the turf of Anjaam Pathira.
Murderous psychopaths lurking in the shadows and the reasons that made them so sinister have always fascinated both movie makers and audience alike. Anjaam Pathira gets most of the elements right to tell such a tale in the most engaging fashion – disturbing yet curiosity-triggering murders, a killer who employs gruesome techniques on victims, an ace psychological investigator, creepy masks, the dark descent in someone’s life that makes them a killer, simple, yet suspenseful development of events and a dimly lit atmosphere in which the tale unfurls. A genuine attempt to make the story as novel yet relevant in the current scenario is also evident.
Anjaam Pathiraa 2020 Malayalam Full movie watch online Anjaam Pathiraa 2020 Malayalam Full movie watch online Kunchacko Boban gives the right demeanour to Anwar Hussain, as do the rest of the cast. The performances of Mathew Thomas and Indrans, though just in a few scenes, are also arresting enough for one to feel uneasy and so is the portrayal of the bad man by another prominent actor, whose name is best kept under wraps so we don’t let out any spoilers. The portrayal of the gruesome acts of the murderer are also shown without traumatising the viewers too much.
At the same time, the intro portions, which was probably woven into the larger plot intending to give us a better understanding of the developments, doesn’t seem to add much to the story. The climax sequence also isn’t as hard hitting as one would expect, going by how the story tightens its screws till big revelations are made. Certain critical questions viewers might feel within are only answered painting word pictures, making their effect on the story trivial. The stifling, yet enjoyable, tension that should bind one till the end in such a story is also lost, just about half an hour before the movie wraps up.
The film ties together a handful of gruesome killings to tell its story and those who have the stomach for it can find Anjaam Pathira a movie worth its running time.

Story: A sequential executioner is free to move around at will, killing cops. Clinician Anwar Hussain assists cops with researching the case and discover who the guilty party is 

Audit: It's said that underhanded can show in anybody, on the off chance that you are in an unlucky spot. Anjaam Pathira by Midhun Manuel Thomas shows how a flood of savagery gets commenced, with certain sad unforeseen development that occurred in somebody's life. Furthermore, how such situations may once in a while make unforgiving executioners. 

Analyst Anwar Hussain (Kunchacko Boban) gets acquainted with the homicide instance of a cop by his companion and cop Anil (Jinu Joseph). As he attempts to associate the fortuitous signs, the circumstance gets muddled further with more passings, confounding both Anwar and the police office. How they catch the guilty party and the backstories of the occasions structure the turf of Anjaam Pathira. 

Deadly maniacs hiding in the shadows and the reasons that caused them so vile to have constantly entranced both motion picture creators and crowd the same. Anjaam Pathira gets the greater part of the components right to tell such a story in the most captivating design – upsetting yet interest activating homicides, an exceptional who utilizes horrifying procedures on exploited people, an expert mental examiner, unpleasant covers, the dim plunge in somebody's life that makes them an executioner, straightforward, yet dramatic improvement of occasions and a faintly lit environment in which the story spreads out. A veritable endeavor to make the story as novel yet applicable in the present situation is additionally obvious. 

Kunchacko Boban gives the correct mien to Anwar Hussain, as wrap up of the cast. The exhibitions of Mathew Thomas and Indrans, however just in a couple of scenes, are additionally capturing enough for one to feel uneasy as is the depiction of the terrible man by another unmistakable on-screen character, whose name is best stayed quiet about so we don't let out any spoilers. The depiction of the horrifying demonstrations of the killer are likewise appeared without damaging the watchers to an extreme. 

Simultaneously, the introduction partitions, which was likely woven into the bigger plot expecting to give us a superior comprehension of the advancements, doesn't appear to add a lot to the story. The peak succession additionally isn't as hard hitting as one would expect, passing by how the story fixes its screws till large disclosures are made. Certain basic inquiries watchers may feel inside are just addressed painting word pictures, making their impact on the story unimportant. The smothering, yet charming, strain that should tie one till the end in such a story is likewise lost, pretty much thirty minutes before the motion picture wraps up. 

The film integrates a bunch of grim killings to recount to its story and the individuals who have the stomach for it can discover Anjaam Pathira a motion picture worth its running time.
